The word “estate” might conjure idyllic visions of swathes of land in the country owned by a single family or organisation. In the context of a city, however, estates are shared by many. Terms associated with a more contemporary definition of “estate” include “housing projects”, “council accommodation”, “social housing”, “banlieu”, “HDB”; all terms that describe public – usually subsidised – housing.
Around the world, estates are a way of providing living quarters to large numbers of people in cities, many of which continue to expand in terms of population and diversity. With such continued expansion comes an ever-evolving richness of history, heritage and personal stories of friendship, kinship, migration and change. It is exactly this richness that Estate Frequencies attempts to discover and, more important, to remember.

We use, primarily, poetry as a means of accentuating these stories. Poetry is a compact expression of idea and image, inviting listeners into a realm that isn’t bound by timeline or structure.
Expanding to other neighbourhoods in Singapore, the idea of Estate Frequencies is one that crosses borders. Hopefully, other cities will see the potential of coming onboard to collaborate and build their own creative neighbourhood tours with us. Future iterations could also feature other forms of literary art.